Quick Start

In a few steps you will be able to setup the full translation cycle with gettext and ttag. This example uses ES6 features, so you need to install Babel to transpile all its source code:

npm install --save-dev babel-cli babel-preset-env babel-core

All sources for this tutorial can be found under the examples directory.

1. Simple counter program

Let's setup some simple JavaScript file counter.js that we will localize later.

// counter.js

function startCount(n){
    console.log(`starting count up to ${n}`);
    for (let i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
       console.log(`${i} ticks passed`);


Let's execute counter.js file:

node index.js

starting count up to 3
0 ticks passed
1 ticks passed
2 ticks passed
3 ticks passed

The program works but it uses the wrong plural form for the first iteration: 1 ticks passed. It should be 1 tick passed.

Let's fix it.

2. Wrap strings with ttag tags and functions

Install the ttag library:

npm install --save ttag

Now we can wrap strings with ttag functions and tags to make them translatable:

import { t, ngettext, msgid } from 'ttag';

function startCount(n){
    console.log(t`starting count up to ${n}`); // using 't' tag for 1 to 1 translations
    for (let i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
       // use ngettext function for handling plural forms
       console.log(ngettext(msgid`${i} tick passed`, `${i} ticks passed`, i));

For more information, please check:

Adding counter script to the package.json:

"scripts": {
    "counter": "babel-node --presets env counter.js"

Run the program again, this time using Babel:

npm run counter


starting count up to 3
0 ticks passed
1 tick passed
2 ticks passed
3 ticks passed

As we see, plural forms are working out of the box without no extra configuration for the English locale.

3. Setup localization

Gettext standard is based on manipulation with .po files. In general, a .po file is a special file format for adding, updating, and editing translations.

Let's install ttag-cli for .po file manipulation:

npm install -g ttag-cli

After installtion, the ttag command should be available globally

Create a .po file

Let's assume that we want to translate our program to Ukrainian language.

ttag init uk uk.po

This will create a new .po file with all settings for the Ukrainian language

See all available languages at the GNU gettext manual

Update the .po file

To sync all strings in your sources with the .po file, you can use ttag update command.

ttag update uk.po counter.js

Now, you can open uk.po file and add translations to extracted strings.

4. Load translations

To be able to apply translations you should parse the .po file. We recommend to use the gettext-parser package for that purpose:

npm install --save-dev gettext-parser

Let's modify our program to load the locale from the .po file if the LOCALE environment variable is present:

import { ngettext, msgid, t,  addLocale, useLocale } from 'ttag';
import fs from 'fs';
import gt from 'gettext-parser';

function loadFile(filePath) {

const locale = process.env.LOCALE;

if (locale) {
    const translationObj = loadFile(`${locale}.po`);
    addLocale(locale, translationObj);


Change the counter entry of the scripts section to include the locale set as an environment variable:

"scripts": {
    "counter": "LOCALE=uk babel-node --presets env counter.js"

Let's run it with npm run counter

починаємо рахунок до 3
минуло 0 тіків
минув 1 тік
минуло 2 тіка
минуло 3 тіка

Note: ttag-cli is a wrapper around babel-plugin-ttag

Where to go now?

If you use webpack on your build process, check Localization with webpack section of the documentation.

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    No results matching ""