jt (jsx-tag)


jt is working in the same way as t but allows you to use jsx elements in tagged template expressions. The biggest difference between jt and t is that t concatenates translations and expressions all together into a single string, while jt returns an array of translated strings and expressions.

This tag is useful if you are building your UI with React (or another lib that uses jsx).

Live demo

this demo works without transpile step, consider using babel-plugin-ttag for production usage



import { jt } from 'ttag';

function Button() {
    const btn = <button key="btn">{ t`me` }</button>;
    return <span>{jt`Click ${ btn }`}</span>

'jt' format

To make localized strings more clear and reliable for translators there are some restrictions on expressions that can be used inside string template. Here are allowed expressions formats.


jt`Hello Mike`                       // valid.
jt`Hello ${ name }`                  // valid. (identifiers are allowed)

const btn = <button key="btn">{ t`me` }</button>
jt`Click ${ btn }` // even though btn stores a jsx element, it is valid because `btn` is an identifier.


jt`Hello ${getUserName()}` // function calls are not allowed.
jt``                       // empty strings are not allowed.
jt`${greeting} ${name}`    // strings that does not contain meaningful information are not allowed.
jt`Click ${ <button> me </button> }` // jsx expressions must be referenced through a variables

.pot (.po) extraction

Here is an example of what will be extracted to .pot

import { jt } from 'ttag';
jt`Click ${btn}`
#: src/source.js:8
msgid "Click ${ btn }"
msgstr ""

Resolve translation

From the example above, let's assume that translator added translation to .po file:

#: src/source.js:8
msgid "Click ${ btn }"
msgstr "Click ${ btn } [translated]"

The resulting compiled file will contain this:

import { jt } from 'ttag'
['Click ', btn, ' [translated]']

When put inside curly braces { } within jsx context, the returned array will be directly consumed by jsx.

If the array item is a React element, you may need to add key property on them to get rid of the key prop warnings.

Default resolve

By default, if no translation was found, ttag returns an array of the source strings and expressions.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""